Saturday, September 10, 2022

A MAGA Platform - Under Construction


This is a list of the things most MAGA People support. These are realistic goals, and depend upon implementing them through the legal process, with the consent of the governed. Policies can be implemented through laws where needed, repeal or restructuring of regulations and executive action to reverse existing executive orders. Most of this applies to the Federal level, and has implications for the state and local levels of government. There are some caveats that are assumed, and I may need to add them in at some point. If I missed some items, let me know. 

We the People seek to:
  1. reform government to limit the size and scope of the federal government; 

  2. believe and promote the positive view of America and of its influence on the world;

  3. hold bureaucrats accountable for performance;

  4. promote equal treatment under the law;

  5. allow free speech, especially political speech including speech that we don’t like or agree with (aside from libel, slander and other widely accepted and specified forms of speech); 

  6. fully fund the police and allow them to enforce the law equally and fairly with accountability for their overreach and abuses; 

  7. allow businesses to operate consistent with the religious beliefs and practices of the owners and employees; 

  8. define what a woman is, what a man is, what a boy and a girl are, and what the differences are between them; 

  9. support promote and protect the nuclear family with one man married to one woman and children under their care and responsibility; 

  10. consider American interests first in all policy decisions, especially in foreign policy;  

  11. build a border wall where necessary and effectively enforce our immigration laws;

  12. require citizenship for voting and voter ID for each person to get and to cast a ballot;

  13. restore confidence in our voting systems through open processes and responsiveness to the voting public; 

  14. seek peace through strength in the foreign policy arena; 

  15. avoid unnecessary wars or foreign intervention; 

  16. allow all forms of energy including coal, natural gas, nuclear, wind, solar and hydroelectric power to be responsibly produced and used in our country to reestablish American energy independence;

  17. lower business tax rates to be competitive with international business tax rates;

  18. reduce burdensome federal regulations that drive business offshore; 

  19. promote and teach the positive and complete history of America as a force for good in the world which has advanced from a slaveholding society to a society where all ethnicities have an equal opportunity to work, to learn, to accumulate wealth, to hold high office and to do whatever within the law that they want with whomever they want; 

  20. allow businesses to operate without the fear of the federal government forcing political policies or agendas on them;

  21. have agencies of the federal government depoliticized so that such agencies as the FBI investigate crimes in search of persons who committed those crimes rather than investigate persons in search of crimes, and agencies like the IRS apply the law equally and fairly to persons of all religions, political views, race and sex;

  22. appoint judges who interpret laws consistent with the US Constitution, the text of the law and the original expressed intent of the lawmakers who wrote it;

  23. recognize that the constitution limits government, and protects the rights of We the People and of the States;

  24. restore budgetary and fiscal responsibility to Congress;

  25. reduce spending to the point that we have a surplus and pay down the national debt; 

  26. restore normal legislative order and make Congress write laws that are specific, rather than relying upon unelected bureaucrats to write regulations with the force of law in response to vague and sweeping laws;

  27. add “sunset provisions” into most laws, especially spending laws, with an option to renew with a vote by Congress and signature by the President;

  28. believe America was great and can be great again.

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