Saturday, September 10, 2022

A Mature Conversation about Let's Go Brandon!

There is a phrase being chanted and posted that went viral in 2021, "Let's go Brandon!". This phrase has taken on a meaning that is totally disconnected from what the simple words put together mean.  More on the origins of the phrase later. The phrase gives me a platform to examine something that has long bothered me, about phrases we use regularly, and their true meanings. 

"Let's Go Brandon" came about quite by accident, during a recent post-race trackside TV interview of a driver named Brandon, who in fact won the race. There were remnants of the crowd who had just watched the race still present in the stands behind the race car driver and his network TV sports interviewer. As the interview progressed, fans in the stands started chanting "F___ Joe Biden!" loudly enough to be heard on TV. They were heartily chanting it, and many people noticed it, as it was being broadcast on live TV. The phrase carried the clear message that folks were unhappy with the current President of the United States. The chant was aimed at a specific person, and carried a general message, and it had nothing to do with the interview transpiring in front of them at the moment. But politics had bled into the minds of the crowd, and they took the opportunity of an open mic and camera to express their frustration at the direction their country was heading at the time. The reporter interviewing the race car driver Brandon tried to incorporate the chant of the crowd into the interview, either misunderstanding their enthusiasm to be for the race winner, Brandon, or trying to redirect the live audience into thinking they heard chants for the winning driver. She said something to the effect of "Hey, can you hear them chanting for you? Let's go Brandon!" Brandon briefly flashed a baffled facial expression, but in his exuberance over winning his first race at the professional level, he didn't really comment on the chant one way or the other. And so the phrase was overlaid on the chant, and live TV spread it to a mostly conservative crowd which was already disapproving of President Biden and his administration. I had heard the original "F--- Joe Biden!" chant before, but because I am a Christian, and avoid cussing, I never said it. But I wanted to express my disapproval and frustration, and I laughed out loud when she reinterpreted their familiar chant.  

Soon on social media, people started making signs and t-shirts, bumper stickers and of course, memes for posts of all sorts. The meaning was clear, and it was this: We are unhappy with the performance of our President, and want to express our frustration with the direction of our great country. That was the essence of the chant and phrase. It broke out at baseball games, in crowds at parks, at rallies - especially campaign rallies and was so ubiquitous that the Democrat Party had to find a way to reverse the damage it was causing. Once, during a TV interview, a caller asked President Biden a question, and waited on the phone as he answered. When he finished his answer, the reporter asked the caller if there was anything else he would like to say to the President, to which he replied "Let's go Brandon!" President Biden echoed back with a big smile on his face "Yes, let's go Brandon!". 

So what is the "real talk" or  "Mature conversation" about Let's go Brandon? There is a range of morality among people, and some are willing to use vulgar language in public, some are not. Those who have no internal limitation on their use of profane speech just come out and curse at President Biden, but those of us who do not want to curse do not use vulgar chants. So when an opportuinity to express our frustration without saying a curse word became popular and catchy, we took the opportunity to say that phrase without violating our consciences. Some still think the curse word in their minds, and thus are still unwilling to say "Let's go Brandon!", and that's understandable and ok too. What makes a curse word, like the F-word so vulgar? It is the literal meaning, which in the case of the F-word means doing a sexual act, which falls into the category of things that should only be done in private, which is why using the word in public is so vulgar. If you think about it, most "cuss words" have to do with actions normally reserved for private spaces and times. Then you get to the secondary meaning of the F-word, which is to basically express some combination of "Forget" plus "Curse" plus "insult" plus "reject" in a very negative way. When one says "F___ you!", they are not typically saying they want to perform a sex act on you, they are almost exclusively using the secondary meaning with their specific levels of the aspects of meaning against you. So replacing the "F___ Joe Biden!" with "Let's go Brandon!" still expresses the negative feeling for the target of the speaker's anger, without any connection to the vulgar primary meaning of the F-word, which they never intended to communicate anyway. 

The first defense that arose in response to the widespread use of the phrase "Let's go Brandon!" was to shame the speaker by saying they were actually still using the F-word, or they wanted to do the primary meaning of the F-word to Joe Biden (a gross and creepy thought for sure). And yet the phrase persists. Why? because people are truly angry at the direction of the country they love under the leadership and direction of President Joe Biden. It's not a transitory flash of rage, it's a simmering anger and discontentment brought on by widespread evidence of damage to our country, to our culture, and to our future. 

One last aspect of the Let's go Brandon! phenomenon to consider is this. Americans often like to boil their expressions down to short, pithy phrases, which are a summary or label for their thoughts and feelings on a matter. It seems to be some combination of laziness and efficiency, and it has manifest itself in many "loaded phrases", such as "Black Lives Matter", "Make America Great Again", "Back to School", "Like a Boss", "The GOAT", "Climate Change", and "American Exceptionalism". These short pithy phrases also fit well on t-shirts and bumper stickers.

So when someone says "Let's go Brandon!", they are really just expressing their frustration with President Biden, or President Brandon, as some have started calling him. That's really what it boils down to. 

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